This was the top teen pick on Amazon last year, so I saw its cover all over the place during 2010. I like to read paranormal even if I don't write (much of) it. Plus, it was written by two authors and since we've been co-blogging, christy and I have talked a bit about co-authoring (nope, nothing in the works other than curiosity).
So I've looked at it in the bookstore a few times. Read some reviews. Wasn't totally sold and didn't know exactly what it was about (I LOVE spoiler reviews and LOVE reading the last chapter first, but am also trying to convince myself not to do that. Hello New Year's resolution #124).
I have to admit, I read this book in two or three days. That's the good part of this review. If you love, love, love this book, you might want to skip to the end of this. Sorry.
The read-through went quickly because I was out-of-town for a couple days and it was the only book I brought, plus I got it while my laptop wasn't working, so my Kindle purchases and own ms's were on lock-down. Also, this book didn't give me a lot to think about, so it went by quickly.
In my opinion, Beautiful Creatures was about 300 pages too long. I never fell completely in love with the characters and spent the first 75% of the story wondering what in the world these people were and why.
In my opinion, Beautiful Creatures was about 300 pages too long. I never fell completely in love with the characters and spent the first 75% of the story wondering what in the world these people were and why.
So, that's cryptic, huh? Here's some specifics: it opened with a dream, it uses about six (sorry, I don't want to look it up, but it was long) pages to describe the boring ride to school and then says he lives in a tiny town where nothing is more than 8 blocks apart (including his house and the school), and I really, really felt like I was reading an account by a person who was outside-looking-in instead of a heartfelt first-person narrative.
Some of it is clever, sure. A lot of different paranormals all living in one family. A small town with lots of eccentrics and a group of mean girls that would make Lindsey Lohan move away. No real sense that this was written by two separate authors. Alas, however, not enough to make me pick up the next one. Which says a lot, because I'm usually a sucker for a series.
Some of it is clever, sure. A lot of different paranormals all living in one family. A small town with lots of eccentrics and a group of mean girls that would make Lindsey Lohan move away. No real sense that this was written by two separate authors. Alas, however, not enough to make me pick up the next one. Which says a lot, because I'm usually a sucker for a series.
There. I did it. Although I feel a little bad, I did a book review of a book I didn't love - or honestly, really even like that much. Did you read and love it? If you did, please comment - I would love to hear more about what worked for you (since it seems to have worked for a lot of people. read the reviews here on Amazon).
(christy got the hunger games trilogy for christmas and is busy reading her way through it! yay!)
(christy got the hunger games trilogy for christmas and is busy reading her way through it! yay!)