
This Week in My World

-I’m at 7,000 words for my new novel.
-I haven’t critiqued anybody else’s work.
-I just read my first blogs.
-I started reading a Janet Evanovich novel. Not YA, I know.
-I learned that all the boxes I packed during the first week of summer to move from one building in my school district to another, will now be moved back. I’m switching buildings and grade levels just a few days before the new year begins.
-My allergies have been beyond annoying. Consequently, I’ve been beyond wiped out and have slept for a few hours each afternoon. Not productive. Fortunately, my kids have been exhausted right along with me and actually took naps for the first time in what seems like forever.
-I finally wiped up my floors. And cleaned toilets.
-I gave up and bought box meals for the kids to eat. Or not. But at least the prep time was 40 seconds, not 40+ minutes. I had peanut butter toast. And a glass of wine.
-That’s it.
-Happy weekend. And for you fellow teachers-Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Christy!

    I look forward to seeing you around Voice and reading more of your blog!

    For now - please accept my Lovely Blog award :) You can find it here - http://www.mariekenijkamp.com/musings/?p=206


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