
I loved WriteonCon.com!

I stumbled on an entire world I didn't know existed: a world of writers. I had no idea so many writers existed and that so many were trying to get published and that getting published was going to be so hard AND, most importantly, how wonderful and supportive writers are!

I had no idea I would rewrite the beginning of my story 50 times (so many in fact that I think I forgot what happens in the middle and at the end!)and have at least 25 versions of a query letter. BUT I did and I do. And someday I hope to muddle through all the text, the necessary stuff and the really-needs-to-be-cut stuff, and get to the middle and the end so I can rewrite that 50 times too. MAYBE then the query will actually be easier to write. MAYBE then the MS will be worthy enough to submit.

OR I'll just write the sequel, make it a stand alone, and begin again.

SO...as I was saying, I loved writeoncon.com and am excited for its future and loved all the posts I read, the critiques I got and the people I connected with. Thanks to the other attendees and to the ladies who put the whole thing together!

Tonight's Dinner Menu: teriyaki/parmesan cheese steaks on the grill, potatoes, carrots, onions on grill, whole wheat dinneroles
% of successfulness: 85% (no carrots for the two year old)

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